Saturday, May 21, 2011


As with anything new, you begin the process feeling out the path you're taking.  You're looking for a means to express yourself and prepare yourself simultaneously.  If that is at all possible.  But the beauty of who you are and what you are about all shines through when you allow your true essence to radiate within it's own sphere.  Which means minimizing the pretense and bull.  Allowing yourself the freedom to exist as you walk.  And that's all this blog post will seek to accomplish:  allow the author to walk in the freedom of self-knowledge.  I hope you're interested enough to take the journey with me.  I hope the postings found here will speak to you at some point and you will offer a kind word of encouragement or conscious word of correction.  Either is welcome and appreciated.  Let's do this and move forward together.



Here we go, again!  Let's hope this year, 2011, brings forth the much needed changes prayed for.